Tuesday, November 29, 2011

American Revolutionary Figure

We're ready to begin writing our research paper. Tell me what American Revolutionary figure you did your research on and tell me a fascinating fact about your figure.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to learn an interesting fact about all of the Revolutionary figures. :) 0

Anonymous said...

Thomas Jefferson was one of the authors to write the Declaration of Independence. -5

Anonymous said...

Deborah Sampson dressed as a man because she wanted to be in the war. In that time, women were not aloud in the war. She made up a new name which was Robert Shureff. He (she) was shot in the head and leg. The doctor said that he would need to get them out of him so Robert told the doctor that he could treat his head but he could not treat his leg. If he did, they would find out her secret and knowing that she might never walk again, she went back out to war. 10

Anonymous said...

My American Revolutionary person is Deborah Samson. Did you know that Deborah was a teacher in Middleboro, Massachusetts? She was better educated in months than other kids educated for many years.


Anonymous said...

Phillis Wheatley was the first African American to publish a book.


Anonymous said...

I learned about William Prescott.He lead 1,200 men at Bunker Hill and fortified Breeds Hill. William is known for his famous saying "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes". 8