Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thoughts about Jamestown.

The settlers of Jamestown were mostly fathers who left their families behind. Their plan was to send for the family once they had made Jamestown a settlement. How would you feel if you were one of the children left behind in England and your father went to Jamestown knowing that you might not see him for at least a year. Describe your feelings knowing that you might not see your father for a year. Write down "Anonymous" and your mailbox number after you have made your comment and then post.


Kathy Adams said...

Hi 3rd graders! Hope you like doing our class blog! :)

Anonymous said...

I thimk it would be terrible to have my dad leave for a year and never be able to even talk to him.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be horrible if my dad had to go away for a year i would never git to see him or have diner with him.It would also be lonly for me and i would not have anything to do with my life.
My dad pushes me to be my best.


Anonymous said...

I would be sad if my dad left to a different country and he said '' He would probably not come back''. I would miss him playing board games and him being my assistant coach. It would be DEVASTATING!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would hate it if my dad left. And knowing I might not get to see him again. I love my dad so much,he help me get through life. I would love to go to a new world, but the thought of not being able to see my dad for years would be sad. 8

Anonymous said...

I think it would be terrible if my father left because I won't get to play golf with him. I would be very, very, very, very, very sad if I couldn't see my father for a whole year.

Anonymous said...

I would be sad .First I would be sad because he has always been there for me and second I would cry every day.

Anonymous said...

I feel enormously sad when I do not see my dad for a day! I can't imagine not seeing my dad for a year. I would faint.


Anonymous said...

I think it would be horrible if i never got to see my dad for 3 years because one time i did not get to see my dad for 4or6 months and i could not stand it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would feel terrible if my father left me for a year but I would feel even worse if he never came back. I miss my dad when he leaves us for Kentucky to score AP exams for 9 days. I just can't imagine him leaving us for a year. 10

Anonymous said...

I would be very sad and it would be horrible. My dad will not be able to talk to me for a year. I would miss playing football with him i would not like it.It would be very bad.It would be HORRIBLE!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

If I could never see my dad ever again I would cry in my room every day. When I wouldn't be able to see him, it would feel a little weird because I'm so used to seeing him every single day.


Anonymous said...

If I could never see my dad again again I would cry in my room every single day. It would be weird to not see my dad because I see him every day.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be so awful to have my dad go away for a year or more over the ocean to America. At least in these days you get to talk to your mom or dad when they go away.

Anonymous said...

It woud be terrible if my dad was in a diffrent country for a year because... he is really nice and he cares about others and he is really generous.